
Settlers of Catan

Over conference weekend, we visited Enumclaw and spent some time with the Butlers playing Settlers.  Although we both love that game, we hadn't played it for a couple of months. It was very fun. Anyway, a couple days later I suggested to Richard that he and I play it again. However, we decided to add a little bit of a twist.  
Our board started out completely upside down, so we didn't know where resources were, or what number was placed on top of the resource. To start off, we just had to place our pieces randomly, and then we could flip the resources over that our piece was touching to see what it revealed. 
Then we started the game and just built and played blindly, for the most part, hoping we would build on what we needed. 

I won.
The end :)


Alison said...

I like that game. :) From your variation, it sounds like you guys play it too much, hehe.

-Special Mothertivity- said...

lol that's awesome. A few summers ago, that is all I did: play settlers. It is a favorite! We own it but Tim hasn't "caught the fever," just yet.

Suzy said...

That sounds like an awesome idea! That makes it more fun for when you just have two people- I'll have to try it with my roommate sometime.