

This summer has already included a lot of swimming for our family. Michael and I will sometimes head up to the Mountlake Terrace indoor pool, but now that the sun is coming out we've been enjoying swimming in Enumclaw with friends, or going to the Greenlake Wading Pool *My absolute favorite go-to destination.

Last time we were there, I was wishing for ice cream. Then I spotted a guy sitting with his ice cream stand! Sweet. I got my chocolate bar, and Michael requested the Spiderman frozen treat. (Next time I'll just share because the thing melted faster than he could eat it, and he didn't understand that he couldn't just leave it with me for a little while to play).
And some random iPhone video of our swimming. (Michael was scared of the big pool and preferred to play outside of it the majority of the time). And the other video is really wiggly (because we were walking back to the car), but it shows Michael beating the ninjas and zombies that were in our way.

1 comment:

Myrna said...

So glad Michael was able to protect you from all those zombies and ninjas! Phew!