Ever since Michael was a little boy (yes, you may laugh at that statement) he has loved cords, phones, computers, and anything that lights up. When he started crawling (backwards), he would scoot himself to the nearby laptop cord and suck on it. When we'd move it, he'd find his way to it again. He actually ended up destroying my phone charger one day. And another day, he wore out the laptop cord so it wouldn't charge anymore. Looking back, maybe it wasn't the safest thing to let the gummy mouth get to those cords.
Anyway, we have a rule in our house. Michael can not touch the computer. Occassionally, we'll let him bang on the laptop keys, but eventually I just pulled out the ol' laptop of mine, that is quite pathetic really (yes, it's a PC), and I gave it to Michael announcing, "It's all yours."
He loves it.
Then he learned that he can rip the keys off. One by one, he'd rip one off, bring it to Mommy and go back for the next one.
He's very sad when he shuts the laptop and we don't open it back up again. He also demonstrates biting nearby objects when he gets upset.
Well, now, what am I supposed to do with all these ripped off keys? The whole week I had been trying to scrounge up a creative Father's Day card for my dad, and this was just the thing. It was very simple, but here is the card that I sent to my dad.
(It says: I Heart You, if you can't tell)