
My Crafty Side

Look what I made recently! I actually created this morning & night routine chart several months ago, but wanted to get it laminated before I actually put it to use. However spending the money on laminating didn't fall under "need" in my budgeting. So I was excited to receive some birthday money, and headed to the print shop! (Huge splurge, right?) 

Each rectangle is laminated separately and I have extra blank sheets, so I can add/take away things as necessary. Michael for now is just using a small magnet to mark his spot. He was so enthusiastic about it this morning, which made me super happy. No negotiating about sitting on the potty, or eating his breakfast before playing. And, of course, it was nice to start the day with a hug & kiss. I have high hopes that things will go really smooth for the bedtime routine as well.

The other activity I am super excited to show off is a Preschool Pack that I printed from Homeschoolcreations website. When I spotted the Star Wars one, I knew Michael (and R) would be in love with it.

The entire pack includes tracing, measuring and counting exercises. Michael's favorite thus far is the matching games. In the following pictures he is matching up the featured shapes with the word. And yes, he is sitting at his own makeshift school desk.

So, maybe we didn't get completely dressed this morning.

I printed it at home on regular printer paper, but next time I will take a file to a print shop to use their ink and get some of it on cardstock. I put the write-on pages into sheet protectors so Michael can use dry erase markers. It all took me less than 24 hours to put it together, and this is just one of many themes. I thought it was super cute.


Lisa said...

That's a great poster! I'm a huge fan of charts for kids. Mommy doesn't have to be the bad guy anymore! How fun that he has his own star wars school work and his own desk. Isn't it awesome what you can find online these days? Love it!

Mallory said...

Way to go on being crafty. The preschool kit seems super cool. I might have to check out their website for princesses (since I don't think Lenna would be as excited about Star Wars). You are a great mom btw!