
Philip's Visit

Uncle Philip, Diana's brother, Richard's brother-in-law--you get the point--is here in Seattle. He only has a few short days until he leaves, and despite being here for over a week already we have very few pictures to prove it. On his second day here, I buzzed both Michael's and Philip's heads. I think these two look so alike. I keep mixing up their names. "Mich...uh, Phil, come here!" or, just as much the other way around, "Phil...Rich...MICHAEL!" It's still kinda crazy to me that my littlest brother is 13 now.
Today, after church, Richard fell asleep on Philip's "bed" aka the couch. Philip wanted to nap too, so he found a way. A rather weird and strange position, but what can I say?


Dorothy said...

What - no one told me you were going to buzz Phil's hair

Amy said...

My goodness.... Phil has grown up!

Suzy said...

Since he got home Phil has called me Diana at least four times.